Appliance Hookups

AppliancesHome appliances are major investments, costing hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Don’t risk damage from improper installation by an unqualified handyman or by trying to follow a manual in a do-it-yourself attempt. Although some appliances can be easier to install than others, proper installation usually requires specialized technical knowledge including different manufacturers’ factory recommendations.

Most appliances are very large and heavy, making them cumbersome, even dangerous, to move around without proper equipment.  Some require special fittings for gas and water that call for skills beyond that of the average homeowner.   Lorenzo’s Plumbing can provide the skills and services you need to hook up your appliances.  We are licensed in gas fitting and plumbing, the areas of expertise required to ensure that your appliance is properly installed.  Just call us to get your new purchase up and running without delay, hassles, or stress.

We’ll take care of everything so that your investment is protected and you won’t have worry about flipping through manuals or researching mechanical specifications.  We also offer gas fitting services if you need to hook up an appliance that uses gas.  Gas appliance hookups require extensions to existing gas lines or may need a gas line installation to operate.  Lorenzo’s Plumbing has an extensive background in everything from stoves, washers and dryers to water heaters.  Our appliance hookup services are available for most any type of home appliance.

These services are affordable and can be completed relatively quickly so you won’t have to wait around to enjoy your new appliance. Calling Lorenzo’s Plumbing to complete your appliance hookups also gives you the unique opportunity to learn directly from a licensed plumber and gas fitter how to care for and maintain your appliances.  We are always happy to share knowledge with our customers!


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